Ending and preventing homelessness your way!


You don’t need experience to host an event to support One80 Place — just the energy and enthusiasm to make it happen.

Each year, individuals, organizations, schools and community members raise money by holding fundraising events to benefit One80 Place. All events, large or small, play a significant role in helping to raise awareness and much-needed support to end homelessness in our community.


Ideas to Get You Started

Here are some ways you can make an impact:

  • Mark birthdays, anniversaries and other milestones with a donation to One80 Place.

  • Have a yard sale, lemonade stand, bake sale or car wash.

  • Donate a percentage of sales at your local business.

  • Compete in a local race and ask friends to sponsor you.



To ensure a successful fundraising event, please check out our Community Fundraiser Guidelines which includes answers to frequently asked questions.


If you’re planning a fundraiser to benefit One80 Place, please fill out this form.

We are truly grateful for those who support One80 Place through community fundraising events. Thank you!


Frequently Asked Questions

Check Presentations and Photos

Development staff at One80 Place can arrange for a check presentation and photographs (not involving media outlets). Please know that we are not able to include clients, and our ability to include staff is limited.

We’re Here to Help!

To notify us of a fundraiser you have planned, or to discuss the best option for you and/or your group, please contact a member of the Development Team.

Check out our Frequently Asked Fundraising Questions for additional guidelines and resources.

Fundraise and social media resources



How will you be remembered? What will you leave behind?

If you are thinking of leaving a lasting impact that will help end homelessness, you may want to consider a legacy gift to One80 Place. Leaving a gift in your will or by beneficiary designation are great ways to make a lasting difference in the lives of future families and individuals seeking to end their homelessness.


  • You decide how much to give—no gift is too small.

  • Your gift costs you nothing now.

  • You retain control of your assets during your lifetime and, if your circumstances change, you can modify the gift.

  • You may choose to keep your gift anonymous.

  • You can leave a gift in honor or memory of someone who inspired your commitment to ending homelessness.

  • You will be remembered as someone who made a difference in your community today and for future generations.




+ Gifts by beneficiary designation

One80 Place supporters like you ask often, “How can I do more?” Here's how! You can help support the fight to end homelessness by simply naming One80 Place as a beneficiary of any of these types of accounts:

  • Retirement Accounts
  • Life Insurance Policies
  • Bank or Brokerage Accounts
  • Certificates of Deposit
  • Donor Advised Funds

And it’s easy to do. Just follow these simple steps to complete your gift by beneficiary designation:

  1. CONTACT your retirement plan administrator, bank, broker or insurance company and request a beneficiary form. This form—not your will—determines how these assets are distributed.
  2. WRITE in “One80 Place” as beneficiary [or partial beneficiary] using our federal tax identification number: 57-0789483 and current business address: PO Box 20038, Charleston, SC 29413. If the form asks for a date of birth, use our date of incorporation: November 20, 1984.
  3. SIGN THE FORM AND RETURN it to your plan administrator. Keep a copy for your records.

+ Make the most of your IRA

If you are over age 70 ½, you can save on income tax when making donations to qualified charities, such as One80 Place, directly from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

+ Gifts in your will

You can take care of family first, and include One80 Place to receive a specific amount or percentage of your estate. Or, name us a contingent beneficiary, so homeless families and individuals are next to be taken care of after your family.

To include One80 Place in your will, contact your lawyer or adviser.




If you decide that part of your legacy will be to end homelessness, we welcome the chance to say thank you. With a gift that costs you nothing now, you can forever be remembered as someone who believes that everyone deserves a home.


To notify us of a legacy gift you have planned, or to discuss the best gift option for you, please contact Sydney Krauze, Donor Engagement Manager.