Beginning Again



At 49 years old, “Reesie” had struggled with substance abuse for most of his adult life. He made the choice to commit to inpatient treatment at the Charleston Center. Sober for the first time in two decades, Reesie was confronted with the reality that he had no income and nowhere to stay. Fearful that if he stayed homeless, he would relapse, he made the decision to prioritize his sobriety and contacted One80 Place.

Reesie worked with his case manager, Riley, to set achievable goals that would lead to permanent housing, attended substance abuse group at the shelter, and daily AA meetings.  Before long, Reesie had secured two jobs. Within weeks, he had saved enough money, along with help from One80 Place’s financial assistance program, to sign his first lease in a decade. 

Reesie’s favorite word is “awesome”, and he uses it to describe the staff and programs at One80 Place.

All the help you need is right here, and people want to help you.


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