The only solution to homelessness is housing. We work with public partners, private landlords, and other community-based agencies to ensure clients are back in homes of their own.
Getting people out immediate danger is important to all of us. Every night, individuals, families, and Veterans sleep under our roof as they work to end their homelessness.
Keeping people housed often starts with getting people healthy. In our on-site clinic, clients are seen by medical professionals who help put them on the path to good health.
Sometimes ending homelessness requires a lawyer. Our legal team helps clients navigate complicated systems to obtain benefits, settle tenant issues, or even get an ID.
Veterans should not be homeless. In partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs, we ensure Veterans have the housing resources they need.
Outreach staff work with people who are unsheltered to help create a pathway from the streets to a permanent place to call home.
Nothing happens on an empty stomach. One80 Place serves more than 95,000 meals annually to clients and anyone who is hungry in our community.
It takes a village to feed a community. With the help of local restaurants, cafeterias, and grocery stores, we rescue more than 160,000 lbs. of food annually.